PROGRAMME > Conférencies plénières
Xavier Py (President of the University of Perpignan Via Domitia) Xavier Py, 54 years old, is Professor at the University of Perpignan and researcher at the PROMES CNRS laboratory for 25 years. He is currently President and was previously Vice President in charge of Research (for 7 years) of the University of Perpignan, member of the National University Council CNU, expert for the national agency AERES and for the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. His research is devoted to the field of thermal energy storage and related materials. The main corresponding industrial applications are large scale thermal energy storage units such as those of concentrating solar power CSP plants or adiabatic compressed air electricity storage ACAES systems. His major innovations are illustrated by advanced materials: highly conductive composite PCMs, carbonaceous composite super adsorbent of high conductivity and controlled porosity and high temperature (1000°C) sensible heat thermal storage recycled ceramics from industrial wastes. In another field, one of his major current project is focused on radiative dry-cooling systems for CSP. He is co-authors of 72 international publications, more than hundred of international conferences and 6 patents. He has supervised 16 PhD students from which two start-up, namely Coldway and Eco-Tech Ceram were created. During 6 years, he was Associated Professor at the International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering of Burkina Faso were he contributed to the development of CSP in west Africa. Topic of the lecture: Alternative thermal energy storage systems for the energy transition The expected energy transition should include the development of the renewable energies, the valorization of industrial waste heats and the optimization of thermal industrial processes in both heat and cold applications. Most of those strategic topics would implement thermal storage in which proper thermal storage materials (TSM) would be involved. According to the actual related estimations, huge amounts of TSM would be needed, leading to possible tensions on international markets, lacks in availabilities and major depletions in still available natural mineral resources. For a decade, alternative TSM of high performances have been developed using inorganic industrial wastes as primary materials. Asbestos containing wastes, slags, coal fly ash, bottom ash, etc., were considered and corresponding ceramics (made by melting/crystallisation or sintering) studied. In the present communication, a new generation of such recycled ceramics made by prior mixing of several industrial wastes (route offering the possibility to control the nature and properties of the final product) is presented. According to their observed performances, potential uses different from thermal energy storage are also mentioned. Beside their economic advantage, their environmental advantages are discussed and additional ways to reduce their footprint presented too. The perspectives of further efforts are developed and corresponding goals given. Moreover, the communication is extended to the industrial application of those recycled materials. The concept of the EcoStock thermal storage unit is presented with its related applications to the valorization of industrial waste heats and renewable energies. Its implementation in both onsite and offsite waste heat valorizations are illustrated and explained.
Tom Ståle Nordtvedt (senior research scientist at SINTEF) Senior Research Scientist Tom Ståle Nordtvedt has been working for 30 years at SINTEF in different departments. His main interest is thermal treatment of seafood. He has a background in refrigeration and has over 50 publications within refrigeration, cold chain and energy use. At present he works at SINTEF Ocean in Trondheim, Norway. Topic of the lecture: Seafood refrigeration processing To bring seafood from the sea to dinner table its necessary to maintain a low temperature. Sustainable, energy efficient refrigeration systems/concept used in fishing boat, harvest in aquaculture (salmon and seaweed) will be discussed. Further, systems at the processing facility (salmon, whitefish, pelagic and seaweed), storage and transport will be presented and discussed.
Jacques Guilpart (President of MF Conseil SAS)
Jacques Guilpart is an agronomist and a refrigeration engineer. After an early career in rural development in West Africa and in the cattle feed industry, he joined the Refrigeration processes engineering research unit of Cemagref in 1990. In this position, he developed researches on the efficiency of refrigeration equipment and systems and on the applications of refrigeration to food products. In 1999, he became head of this research unit and deputy director of a joint research unit which developed researches on Food Process Engineering.
He actively participates to the activities of IIR as French delegate to the IIR, past head of IIR section C (Biology and Food technology), member of the IIR B2 commission and early participant to Ice slurry working party. From 2004 to 2010, he was member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Refrigeration. He participates to the activities of the French Association of Refrigeration as member of the management board and as president of the orientation committee. He teaches the industrial refrigeration in the French Institute of Industrial Refrigeration. He is also member of the French academy of agriculture.
He is author and co-author of more than 120 papers and conference presentations, including 50 peer-reviewed publications.
In 2009 he joined MF Conseil, a consulting firm specializing in the field of energy efficiency and energy management in industry, especially in food industry. Since 2010, he is the executive director of this consultancy. In 2018, he joined the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers as associate professor to the “Laboratoire du froid et des systèmes énergétiques et thermiques (Lafset)” and to the French Institute of Industrial Refrigeration.
Topic of the lecture: A methodology to assess the carbon footprint of food cold chain in western Europe
Jean-Eudes TESSON (Président du Groupe TESSON)
Jean-Eudes TESSON est président du groupe TESSON, société familiale créée en 1919. Le groupe TESSON est présent dans les métiers de la logistique (entreposage frigorifique de 1962 à 2019), logistique des vins et spiritueux), dans le numérique et dans l’exploitation d’installations frigorifiques.
Il préside LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE DU FROID qui regroupe transporteurs et logisticiens du froid, a présidé l’Association Européenne de la Logistique du Froid.
IL est par ailleurs président de l’Acoss, la caisse nationale des Urssaf (organisme collecteur des cotisations sociales en France) et de l’Union des Caisses Nationales de Sécurité Sociale.
Topic of the lecture: L’efficacité énergétique des installations frigorifiques, un enjeu économique, technologique et environnemental L’efficacité énergétique des installations frigorifiques est un défi majeur pour la chaîne du froid pour les prochaines années pour de multiples raisons. Le français Charles TELLIER a été le premier dans le monde à utiliser le froid pour la conservation des viandes, inaugurant ainsi la première chaîne du froid. Depuis lors, la technologie de production du grand froid a permis de réaliser des progrès importants pour améliorer la qualité, la conservation et la sécurité des aliments. Pour autant, depuis plus d’un siècle, à l’exclusion de quelques process de congélation, l’industrie et la logistique du grand froid ont recours exclusivement à la production de froid par compression. Si des améliorations ont été apportées au cours des décennies, aucune innovation majeure n’a véritablement été apportée en un siècle. Le potentiel d’innovation dans le secteur du grand froid est important mais les compétences sont souvent trop disséminées entre celles qui permettent de réduire la consommation de froid et celles qui permettent d’améliorer le coefficient de performance ou encore l’achat de l’électricité.
Ina Colombo & Catarina Marques (Careers in Refrigeration - CaRe) The IIR working group, Careers in Refrigeration (CaRe) is dedicated to promoting careers in refrigeration for the younger generation and particularly women. During the ICCC2020, CaRe will organise the Student Networking Luchtime event on April 16, 2020. Topic of the lecture: Women in the refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pumps industry The CaRe Vice-Presidents will present the different careers and Route Maps to RACHP qualifications; an update of the IIR preliminary state-of-the-art of women in the refrigeration field on the data collected from national institutions/associations; and the different incentives/actions undertaken by some associations to attract more young people and women/girls into the RACHP sector.
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